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Messages - Dark_Phantom

Well, on the other side of the coin, he doesn't have 15 people in one server right now like we do.  Today is a good day.
Please make sure you use AnthonyBF2s guide. There is a certain abusive former member who is passing off his walled garden as the only way to play and flat out copied his tutorial.
Rolling is A/D (left/right) and Spacebar (jump).  There is no sprint feature in BF1.
As far as the menus, I don't play in 1920/1080, so there may be someone who knows better.
Thanks for the tutorial Anthony!  I'm gonna try it when I get home
Released Assets / Re: Geonosis: Prototype map assets
April 28, 2019, 08:58:02 PM
This map will not work out-of-the-box as said in the description.  You can, however, be impressed in ZE because it is pretty cool until it gets rebuilt with working models.
(Note:  it isn't just the Core Ship that crashes, something else causes the game to give up the ghost as well, but it's been a while since I looked at it.  Those models need split into something the engine can handle.)
Other Games / Re: Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order
April 13, 2019, 08:35:53 PM
TFU2 was unsatisfying in many regards.

The Jedi Knight series as a whole was pretty great, so I could go with that style of play.
Quote from: Unit 33 on April 07, 2019, 02:51:17 AM
I think the solution is don't make games using an IP you don't own, unless the actual owners are unusually cool with fan-made stuff (Black Mesa).
This.  Nobody is going to stop you from making a game in the same style.
However, using Star Wars is a quick way to get a takedown, just because of the IP.  It's a quick way to grab publicity as well.  The IP is protected, so you have to generate publicity in other ways.
That's about the quickest way to a DMCA.  For your personal use (not for distribution), go for it.  As a project, the Mouse has shown that they will step in.
Hey Teancum, I had the same error after my main HDD crashed.  I installed Windows 10 on the new drive and then SPTest wouldn't work (I had everything important on another drive).  Have you tried reinstalling the game?  I reinstalled from my CDs and it seems to have worked.  It must be looking for specific registry entries.

I tried everything else, but when I'd click on it, it would flash and then close, and the VS debugger was no help at all.
From what I have heard, the 2nd one is still pretty well populated (PS2 and XBOX consoles moreso than PC).
Thanks for checking out our corner of the internet and posting your review!
Forum News and Forum Rules / Re: New moderator GDH
March 06, 2019, 05:47:28 AM
Congrats GDH!  :cheers:
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Help Please!
February 27, 2019, 11:32:30 AM
Sleepkiller corrected me one time that it is V-Sync that needs adjusted ingame.
If turning that on doesn't work, trying Anti-Aliasing would be next.
Yep, then create a LAN server and have the other join.
If you have any recent ethernet cable, you can generally hook them straight in (no crossover needed).  This limits you to two machines however.
Any old router (Wired or Wi-Fi should work) will do the job.
Source: did this with my brother many years ago.