SWBFI unofficail 1.4 patch?

Started by Kit Fisto, October 01, 2012, 07:01:29 PM

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Quote from: Phobos on October 02, 2012, 09:37:07 AM
I expected you to say something like this. Of course Buckler knows that you aren't the ONLY modder working on third eras, I am also working hard on a vital component of the LUA scripting as can be seen here
Seeing how there's 0 downloads for my work so far I'll assume you either overlooked that thread or don't find it relevant. Just know that having kamino and endor listed twice is not acceptable for me. Progress has been slow since I am stuck on the very last chunk of code but I think eventually it will be cracked.
I have just been focusing on the eras, I'm sure your efforts will prove most useful in the future.

Quote from: ggctuk2005 on October 02, 2012, 11:27:47 AM
I might add my own thing in to say that not only should new eras be accepted, but that SWBFII's addon achitecture might be explored (I know that neither SWBF nor SWBFII have the addon LUA commands built into the executeable, it's more like they're added 'functions' placed in the shell). One day, I'd like to see mods that don't require a single file replacement beyond the initial patch as SWBFII mods are right now. In other words, mods that run entirely from the addon folder.
Trouble is the addon limit I do believe is hard coded. I have looked into it before and I do believe it should be perfectly possible to change if we can locate what SWBF is checking against and change it to be more fitting to our needs. Oh and SWBF has no trouble handling 1024*1024 textures any higher and you are starting to push it. High resolution models though are another matter entirely, they should be used with great care.

Quote from: SleepKiller on October 02, 2012, 02:15:19 PM
I have just been focusing on the eras, I'm sure your efforts will prove most useful in the future.
Trouble is the addon limit I do believe is hard coded. I have looked into it before and I do believe it should be perfectly possible to change if we can locate what SWBF is checking against and change it to be more fitting to our needs. Oh and SWBF has no trouble handling 1024*1024 textures any higher and you are starting to push it. High resolution models though are another matter entirely, they should be used with great care.

Is that limit to do with how many addon.script files there are?
In Progress:
--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy Edition)
--Endor: Imperial Base

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Ok so I did some research and now I will state my thoughts explicitly.
I want this to be like SWBFII's unofficial 1.2 patch in that it changes skins and makes correct/canon weapon models.
List of changes I could think of:
HD skins for all troopers
Correct weapon models
HD skins for vehicles

HD skins for troopers and vehicles
Droideka new shield effect ( like Sereja's or SleepKillers in his unleashed mod )
Correct Weapon models

HD skins for troopers and vehicles
Random Wookiee skin, so that each map has a different wookiee skin ( calling upon the wok.lvl or the stock wookiee skins )
Correct weapon models

HD skins for troopers and vehicles
Correct Weapon Models

Still debating:
New effects
maybe include "lowerz" of stock maps to reduce lag? ( this would be optional )

When I say HD I mean
Quote from: SleepKiller on October 02, 2012, 02:15:19 PM
Oh and SWBF has no trouble handling 1024*1024 textures any higher and you are starting to push it. High resolution models though are another matter entirely, they should be used with great care.
that kind of HD. :)

So does this sound more do-able? :wave: