Combining Maps

Started by Shazam, June 07, 2012, 03:24:51 PM

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 :o  :wacko:  :confused:  :'(  ???  :(  :blink:

Wow... with both maps already made, I hoped it wouldn't take too long.

Ah.. my mistake.
I was thinking along a diferent line.
Shouldn't take that long.
But don't be discouraged if it doesn't appear overnight.

I've been trying to understand a paricular 16 bytes in the msh files (the quaternion rotation of model pieces)
It's been about 5 months and I just realized I don't need to understand how they work.

5 months to learn how to turn left...  ::)
Could have taken a semester of Trig instead.

Quote from: tirpider on June 12, 2012, 01:28:30 PM

5 months to learn how to turn left...  ::)
Could have taken a semester of Trig instead.

Lol, I hope this doesn't take that long. I won't even start it until I have more than 3 hours to work at a time on it, right now I have 1-2 at given times.

Thanks for all the help though. Greatly appreciate it!  :happy: