
Community Area => Tech Support => Topic started by: tirpider on February 27, 2012, 04:34:11 AM

Title: Quaternion Rotation expressed as degrees
Post by: tirpider on February 27, 2012, 04:34:11 AM
So I have just figured out what a quaterenion is.
(basicly a way to represent rotations for 3 axis using 4 numbers)

A shot in the dark, does anyone know how to convert a quaternion back into degrees?
(without having to go back and finish the degree I never started...)

The KFR3 tag stores keframe info and I am guessing it is using quaternion rotations of joints and the length of bones to 'build' the skeleton for each frame.

I can visualize ( 90 , -0 , 90 ) but (0 , 0 , -0.117461 , 0.993078 ) just makes me ill.....

Maths - Quaternion to Euler Examples 90 degree steps - Martin Baker (http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/quaternionToEuler/steps/index.htm)
This looks promising, but my spreadsheet hates the formulas.
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