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Messages - Drunken_Master

Got about 3 hours so far.  I like it mostly, but I got bored after a bit.  Still getting used to it. Got a little tired of how hectic it feels, but I'm clearly playing against people who have more time on the game than I do.  I get frustrated with having to push #'s to switch between weapons that I don't know if I have or not.  I guess I might be able to reprogram that.  Then, I found what I was soooooo much hoping for.  I played with the video settings and ... YES!!!  AWESOME!! 

This is making me dizzy!

FYI: hey I also got into BF command cli.  I hit alt tab, then alt tab again (I think) and got into an  awkward
console.  Twice.  not sure how to get out of it only to quit then re-open.  And I also had the audio problem happen once too. 
General / Re: SWBF1 Clan Confederation In EA's SWBF
October 12, 2015, 06:53:33 PM
The beta version is limiting us to very few non-alpha numeric characters and not very long names. For instance, I think I am AlphaCptDrunken and that's about all I can fit in my name.  And I also have to change it on origin instead of in the game.  It feels like they are discouraging clans to me.  Ideas?
I finally got the chance to put on the headphones and play.  I played on my kid's account.   :cheer:

I like it!  It was super intense!  This was the intensity that I remember feeling when I first played Doom back in the 90's, then later BF1 . Then Bioshock!   I was able to figure out most commands (with the kids helping) fairly quickly. 

My thought was that the reason BF1 is so amazing is that it is slower yet includes the opportunity for so much strategy.  It reminds me of another slow famous game: chess.  Chess is slow, can be played without much training, yet to be an expert requires incredible ability.     

Doom and Bioshock were intense but not strategic.

This new game is amazing.  I will play it  like I did during the excitement of Doom.  I still like chess and Battlefront 1.

edit: not to offend, there was some strategy in the old games. I just mean on  a different level
Yes, it's been a confusing and a little frustrating experience.  I still don't understand exactly what caused the problem.  But although there is a problem, it sounds like Kalle wants to work with us and would like us to help him.  He has said he would like to communicate more, and with his idea of making the source code open source, it may help.  I think we are all wary of a game server that we don't have input on that may go away at any time.  Kalle's offer to make it open source and allow our community to help may be the answer.
He said it was domain settings change which he has now rolled back so the old modded exe should start working again if it isn't already.  I can only see that breaking it if the mod was actually using the wrong IP but perhaps my imagination is limited.
I sent Kalle a note clarifying if the intention is to shut the GameMaster Host servers in a few weeks or if he has already done it (since it is down). It might be a coincidence since the Master Server list still shows our servers up but no one is playing BF1 PC.  All other BF's have players right now.
Makes sense to me Phobos.  We'll see what Kalle and LeKeks say.
I got a couple of additional smaller donations to help the offer and will make the offer to Kalle.
Ahhg!  I had offered to help more! 

I'm confused; he's turned off the server and giving us the source code in the hopes that we will help but not create our own game master community?  Maybe I read it wrong.  I'll email him and see what we can do.
Other Games / Re: Republic Commando Online?
October 09, 2015, 05:02:22 PM
I was wondering the same question
I switched to the other one during last issue.. too tirred now. I will tomorrow if no one confirms
Whoo thanks I REALLY needed a laugh.  Perfect observation.   At least from my 43 year old perspective.  The kids loved it. 
Looking forward to it  :tu: ; I should be about to make the start at 4:30 EST but I might not be able to stay for the whole event. 
regards, RhumCake
Other Games / Re: CS:GO / TF2 / GMod Team?
August 24, 2015, 07:26:20 PM
Hotsauce and I have started CS:GO but it's a stretch to try to play more than one thing most of the time.  We still may be up for something if you guys take the lead.  We also have and love GMOD but might be a little lost / inexperienced.
General / Re: Happy Ukraine Day!
August 24, 2015, 06:52:34 PM
Happy Ukraine Day!   :moo:  Long live the Ukraine!   :tu: