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Topics - Led

Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / !11
March 26, 2010, 07:49:03 PM
Hi Guys,

The DC has been set up for the T1 maps for practice.
see this for maps: 

Requests / Help request for anti-glitch training
March 18, 2010, 10:17:43 AM
Hi MPC'ers,

Some of you my be aware of Battlebelks anti-glith/wall hack maps:

I would like to request some help getting the tools and process for adding more death
regions to maps. Could someone help me find the appropriate tools?

I am interested in learning the process.

Requests / Ewok Tossing!
February 13, 2010, 05:37:17 PM
Hi MPCers',

Can anyone make Mos Eisley or Cloud City such that Ewoks or Jawa wont die from grenade blasts?

I want to try to have clan games with Ewok tossing into the CC fountain, for example.


Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Snow Day DC!
February 12, 2010, 07:18:22 AM
Shut it down only one person got on it.

myg1        ;sa=view;down=247   
hangerz1    ;sa=view;down=104
pig             ;sa=view;down=124
maz1          ;sa=view;down=9


I will see if I can dig up some links.
Tech Support / Teamspeak 3 server
February 09, 2010, 04:55:53 AM
Hi MPC'ers

I would be happy to host a Teamspeak 3 server for MPC on my clans generic server.  However, TS3 is different enough from TS2 that I need some help getting it setup.

Does anyone have TS3 setup experience, or would anyone be willing to set it up and let me know how it works?

I looked into the vent server, but the free download of the vent server is restricted to only 8 clients.

In the mean time, I have set up a TS2 server for MPC.

Please PM me for the address and password, or ask me in the shoutbox--I'd like to keep this to our community  ;)  and not for the internet at large.


Here is how you can recover your SWBF code:

On start menu, select "Run" and type in "regedit"

Search for "lucas", it will take 10-15 tries to get to the correct spot.
Or you can find the location in regedit at:
My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\LucasArts\Star Wars Battlefront\1.0

What you are looking for is the CD Key
You will see under Data, your code which is a group of five, 4-digit values

write this down, it is your CD key.

This is a copy of a post about hosting SWBF from my Clan Page.  Some may find it useful.
The Invincibility switch is discussed in this post.

New Guide:  Using Linux/Wine to host SWBF

In November 2012, Gamespy was shut down.  In May 2014, GameMaster was released and has allowed us to host internet servers again.  As of 6/1/2016 SWBFgamers now hosts GameMaster and the service is named SWBFspy.  Be sure to get game and server patches from this site, as there is a community troll that claims to have a service (but it is non-functioning) edit:  maybe his works now (I will never be able to verify it), but he is an even bigger troll.

To host, you will still need to portforward.

You can also use the LAN option using either GameRanger or Tunngle or other LAN service.  Tunngle and Gameranger supports the use of the dedicated server software as described in this post.

Here is a link to a post to learn about hosting with tunngle:

Hosting SWBF

There are two ways to host SWBF. One way is with your game disk. Another, more stable way is to use the SWBF dedicated server software.

This guide will describe how to use the dedicated server software.

Getting the Software

The first step is to get the software. It can be downloaded from;sa=view;down=441
Be sure to also get the SWBFspy server patch located at this link;sa=view;down=1386
(replace the original file with the one at the link above).

You can only host a game with this software.

I am often asked the question, "How do you play SWBF and host it too?"
The answer for me is that I have two computers. One for playing swbf and one for hosting.

However, it is possible to host and play on only one computer. I will describe how to do that at the end of this guide.

Download and install the dedicated server software (version 1.2). Go ahead and run the server software once, so that it creates a file called
"Battlefront Server.ini". I will describe this file later, and modifications that can be made to this file.

Dealing with your Router

If you have a firewall/router you must enable portforwarding so that other people can connect to your computer. I know how to configure my router, but I don't know anything about yours though, so please consult your router manual.

If you know all about your router and how to portforward, then portforward ports 3658, 3659, 6500, and 27900, 29910, 29920 (both TCP and UDP) to your host computer. 

If you have a software firewall, like one built into windows, then you will need to deal with that, too, by allowing access for battlefront.  If are having troubles, try temporarily disabling your firewall and see if it works--then, if it does work, at least now you know what the issue is.

You can also spend money and rent a server.  PLA rents a server from and it costs about $17/month and can run 5-8 server instances at a time.  Contact me if you want more details.  You can also use Wine on Linux for about $8/month.   Wine works with the SWBF1 dedicated server, but I've not seen it work for SWBF2.

Adding Commands to your Server

The basic BattleFront Server.ini file contains a line that can and
should be edited. Look for this line in the file:

APP_COMMAND_LINE_BASIC=/win /norender /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /nosound

To turn off gamepad aim assist and to set a better framerate for players, add commands to this line as follows:

APP_COMMAND_LINE_BASIC=/win /norender /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /nosound /noaim /tps 30

A list of commands that I know that work here are as follows:

/noaim is to turn off gamepad aim assist
/tps 30 sets the frame rate to 30 frame per second, which is much smoother than the default of 20
/unlimitedammo gives unlimited ammo
/invincible makes you invincible to enemy fire

other commands are available through the interface window.

Starting and Running the Server

Follow the directions included with the software to learn how to adjust maps and tickets, etc., and how to boot or ban players using the GUI.  IMPORTANT:  be sure to set your hosting bandwidth in the GUI to 1M+   .

Hosting and Playing on the Same Computer

-Set up the dedicated server software as previously described
-Start SWBF using your game disk
-Alt tab out of the game
-Start the SWBF dedi server software
-re-enter the game
-Alt tab out to boot/ban players, etc.

Hosting without using the GUI

If run the same basic server setting over and over, you can create a DOS batch file to run the server. Below is the contents of the batch file I use to run the CloudCity Only server:

battlefront.exe /win /norender /noteamdamage /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /nosound /noaim /tps 30 /gamename Led-CloudCity-TKoff-antiGlitch /playerlimit 16 /playercount 1 /bots 2 /difficulty 2 /throttle 2048 /spawn 5 bes2r 400 400 bes2a 400 400

Copy that text between the lines into a file called CloudCity.bat

When you are familiar with the dedicated server software, it is easy to edit this kind of batch file.

Note:  Windows Server 2008 has a limitation on the length of a batch file.  I have not determined how to overcome this limitation.  Be aware that long batch files may not execute properly if you use Windows Server 2008.

update 7/1/2016  Longer batch file names can be used in Server 2012 R2 when using PowerShell.

Hosting Mod Maps with the Dedicated Server Software
You need two things to host a mod map:
1) the mod map, and
2) a file called mapinfo.txt for each map (if you use the GUI).

If you want to host a mod-map using the dedicated server software,
you will need to place the map folder in the Addon Folder of the
*server* software.  If you are using the 1.2 deicated server software,
there will already be a folder located in the Addon Folder call Tat3.

Tat3 is Jabba's Palace, which is a map that was released with upgrade
1.2 of the software.

The mapinfo.txt must reside inside of the mod map folder, or else the
GUI will not be able to recognize that the map is to be loaded into
the GUI.

Here is the file from Tat3:
CW,TATOOINE: JABBA CW,tat3c,CIS,republic,200,200
GCW,TATOOINE: JABBA GCW,tat3a,alliance,imperial,200,200

The format of the file is:
ERA, TEXT NAME what ever you want, mapname-with-faction-extension, faction1, faction2, tickets1, tickets2

The mapname is very important to get correct.  The folder is called tat3,
and the extension "c" is usually for CW era and the "a" is usually for the GCW era. However, some maps don't use this designation, and there is no way to know for sure if the mod map maker followed these conventions.  (Although you may try looking in the addme.script file to get some clues.)

Therefore, some maps can not be hosted using the dedicated server software, and instead must be hosting using the game disk method, which does not require the mapinfo.txt file.

Here are some updates based on new discoveries:

If you specify a map name with out a ticket count in a batch file, like this:

bes2r bes2a

then the default tickets specified in the mission lua will be used.

If you copy Battlefront.exe to something else, say BattlefrontGameNight.exe and execute it,
it will create a new ini file called BattlefrontGameNight.ini. 

You can edit this for your settings for you maps, like invinciblility, etc.  This way, you can use the same map install for some various server settings without having to make a copy of your entire server folder.

If you want to host a Historical map, you can do so by using a batch file.  Here is a link to a tutorial:

All the best,

SWBF1 Modding / SWBF 1.3 on 1.2 server listing
December 19, 2009, 05:49:07 AM
Hi MPC gamers and mod community,

You may be aware that a "beta" version of SWBF (PC, US-english only) was realeased along with a PC version of the dedicated server software.

No one seems to play 1.3 since it was not an official release and it was not for Macs, and it was US-english only.  That said, I have tried it, and there are some nice features to it. 

On the admin side, you can log into an admin console like in SWBF2, and stop the server, boot players, etc.

On the player side, the deka is actually not a glitchy unit and very playable, and collision issues are fixed (no easy wallhacks).

My desire is to get the 1.3 beta server to serve 1.2 games.

I have made some progress:

I have examined the 1.3 server executable, and have been able to get a 1.3 server to show up in the 1.2 PC gamespy listings.  To do this, use a hex editor and search for the string "1.104"  which is the internal version number.  Replace this string with "1.2" followed by two hex bytes of 00 which will cover up the 04 in the 1.104 string. 

However, 1.2 users can not join the session, due to a "version mismatch" issue.

Any true hackers out there willing to look for the server hack to make the server think its still version 1.2 ?


BTW, I can use the 1.3 game executable to join the 1.3 server that shows in the 1.2 game listings, by replacing the 1.104 string the same way in the game executable.

"Help me Battlebelk, you're our only hope"

If you are a PC user and want to try the 1.3 patch modded to
be seen by 1.2  gamespy users, here is the info.
I have a 1.3 server modded to be seen by 1.2 users up for now,
and can put one up if you want to try it.

The 1.3 beta version has been slightly modded so that you can see 1.2 servers.
You can not play on 1.2 servers.

You *can play* on 1.3 servers that have been modded to be seen by 1.2 players.

place the file Battlefront-1.3-mod.exe into your gamedata directory, usually
located at

C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Battlefront\GameData

make a short cut from this file to your desktop

double click on the shortcut.

NOTE:  you will only be able to join 1.3 servers that have been modded to
display to 1.2 users.

NOTE:  may not work for Best of PC (BoPC) users.

If you want to play 1.2 games, just exit the mod and start up 1.2 as you usually do.
(No files are overwritten.)



Hi MPCers,

If you have ever hosted a SWBF game, you are aware that you can set the TPS (ticks per second) of the server.  For a DC based game hosted with the game cd/dvd you can set 15, 20, or 30 TPS.

1.2 version PC dedicated server software allows the admind to set other TPS values with the server command /tps 30 for 30 TPS, for example.

The TPS setting sets the mininum frames per second (FPS) for users on the server.

My question is:  are TPS the same as FPS ?

The question arises because I have recently become aware that it is possible for players to un-cap their client side framerates, to what ever their video card can handle using an undocumented client command.

My impression is that TPS are used to define server syncing with the client.  FPS is used for the visual smoothness for the player.

The motivation for asking the question is to determine if players are gaining an advantage using an uncapped framerate.

What do you think?


Hi MPCers,

Something I have never been able to figure out in SWBF is what are the conditions
under which the ammo bots explode?

Sometimes, it is just when I spawn, sometimes it is when ever I need ammo and go near one  ;)

Can a modder or players tell me what triggers the exploding gonk?

The DC is up.

Standards  and

maz1, mon1, dea1, uta1


EDIT: This server is no longer running.
Hi MPCgamers,

A series of events has led me to be able to provide a (nearly) continous 24/7 direct connection server.

Some of you may know that I have been hosting PC servers for some time now, taking them down for the occasional DC event.

JediKiller provided me with information on Nuclear Fallout (NFO) game servers, and I am renting them for my PC clan, {PLA}.  Right now, it's for a three month duration, but I hope to extend it.  The cost is not terrible ($37/month) for a virtual dedicated server, which beats the heck out of renting a fully dedicated machine.

In any event, this frees up my home server to host DC's.  (No one has been able to figure out how to get a DC to run remotely).  So, I can host mod maps and standards, with probably about 24 slots without many lag issues.  The server can be left up except for map changes and the rare event that I need another server for {PLA} to use.

As a bonus (to me) I discovered that you can host a DC *and* a PC internet server.  Start the DC, then ALT-TAB out of it, then start the PC dedicated server.  The DC will take the first port, and the PC server will take the second port.  (PC dedicated servers are designed to be able to run two at a time.)  I tried this out for me and it worked.  Hopefully it will work for everyone else too.  This will allow me to leave a private PC server up for training while I run a DC.

I will start running a DC this Saturday 11/7/09.  My IP is  Please reply with what maps you want to play.

Pi-man--if you have that tool working that provides the player list for DC's, let's see if we can get that integrated into the MPCgamers site somehow.  One problem I see with a 24/7 DC is that it's only going to be fun if we can gather a crowd, and nothing gathers a crowd better than knowing that a few players are on a server.

I can make a post with maps on it like I did for the former MXG site.  However, I am not going to provide mod map links like I did before--it simply takes too much time.  So, if someone wants to provide map links, or make sure the files are uploaded to MPCgamers, I would appreciate it.


Hi MPC'rs--

I can not get file front to load the page for this map--could someone that has it upload it to
MPC gamers?


bor2 ----------------- (SBF) Boras II: Stunt Course v1.0 --------------- (****) Huge map. Probably the best Speeder Bike Map there is. Great in SP. Could be good online too.
Requests / Head Shot Training Mod
June 03, 2009, 08:06:52 PM
Hi guys, I had an idea for a mod to help with head shot training--
is it possible to adjust unit skins so that the main body is transparent, and the head is orange?

It would be like sniping basketballs, I guess :)

SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / PLA vs ?
March 18, 2009, 05:13:10 PM

Buckler here, also known as Led on the PC servers--
my clan is looking to set up a fun scrim with someone.

I think we can field 5 or 6 players, and we can play standards only.
I'd request that we play at 30 ticks (FPS) and I can host DC or someone
else can.

Our webpage is:

Feel free to stop in, or post here if anyone is interested.

All the best,
SWBF1 Modding / xsi
March 06, 2009, 01:03:22 AM
So, my understanding is that XSI is required to make new character models or import/edit existing ones.

I also know that it is really expensive for the full commercial version (about $3000).
However, there is an "academic version"
for about $300, with the requirement that it not be used for commercial purposes.

While $300 is still nothing to ignore, it is within the realm of possibility for this particular SWBF enthusiast.

My questions are:
-is this the correct XSI?
-what could be done with it?
-is it worth getting at this point in the history of SWBF (I asume that it could also be useful for other games)?

Best Regards,

The post is to see if anyone else has seen (or heard) strange things in SWBF, that shouldn't be part of the game.
I'm not talking glitches, wallhacks, or mods, but really weird stuff.  

I'll share mine:

-a few months ago, i was playing cloud city, and I saw some shadows on the ground, that seemed to move
I looked closely at them, and the were shaped like arrows.  It was as if I saw the shadow of the mini-map arrows, but
on the main map!  Never saw it again after that round.

-while playing hoth (Jedikiller's no-vehicle version)  I started sniping.  Instead the the sniper rifle sounding like usual,
all sniper rifles made the sound like:  riiinnng riiinnng  boonk!  Crazy stuff.  I also seemed to be hitting shots like never before--
sniping recon driods, making headshots, and stuff.  Again, it went away at the end of the map, never to be seen again.

OK--anybody else?  :)

Buckler, aka Led on the PC servers.