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Topics - RepComm

Released Assets / CIS_geofighter with wings
June 11, 2013, 07:38:27 AM
Someone on xfire asked me about the geofighter with wings I made, and wanted me to fix and upload it.
It originally had like.. 4 textures cause I didn't know how to UV map at the time, but this was all done in XSI this time.

There is no collision on the wings, I'm not sure if the builder will add collision for it (I don't think it needs it really).
Anywho, here is complete version:
d/l: (495k)

I know it's un-realistic, but tooth picks flying threw the sky just doesn't make sense to me.
Released Assets / com_weap_inf_detpack for SWBFI
June 07, 2013, 02:35:41 PM
I've never seen this in any mods (I have seen the detpack in the form of a wookiee bomb, where you press R to detonate), and I just don't really want to go digging for more assets.
I renamed the tgas (consturtion_create.tga and gonk.tga) to detpack_tga1.tga and detpack_tga2.tga so they don't get lost in your side builders :P
[spoiler] Never mind the weird texture in, it's just a viewer glitch[/spoiler]

I hope to use this fella soon in a future mod, but BFbuilder is relentless to stop me map making permanantly..

edit- Added attachment :slap:
Works just as good as recon droid for SWBFI, ported from BFII.
I know it is suppose to be a drop turret, but when I tested it, I replaced the recon droid with it (so it can be controled by player, ftw!), so I don't know how you'll get it to opperate by itself, and I'm too dumb to know how so I didn't include an ODF file.

Not sure if this has been ported already, but it should be fun to play around with. I just love the scrolling red eye thing :P
Released Assets / Gun_weap_inf_pistol
May 25, 2013, 02:28:20 PM
Found this thing while poking around in the Gungan SWBFII assets. Apparently Gungans were originally going to have blasters? The model had no hp_fire primitive, or proper texture (it refered to rep_weap_inf_pistol.tga, but that didn't match the BF1 or 2 targas), I wonder why Pandemic scratched it?...

Anywho, I created my own texture (changed from rep_weap_inf_pistol, to Gun_weap_inf_pistol)
And a UV map for some of you people that love to reskin things :)


Sorry about the grid underlay on the UV map, XSI doesn't have a function to turn that off..
Tech Support / SWBFI 1.2 server help.
May 03, 2013, 10:03:30 AM
Well, I deleted my battlefront 1.0.3 dedicated software manually back a little before the shutdown.
But apparently the registry files still say that I have it on my harddrive, therefore I cannot download the 1.2 server back into the correct place, and install the OpenSpy patch.

There are 2 solutions: Zip or RAR archive the PC dedicated server folder, and then I'll fix it manually, or I find the registry files and .. delete them I guess? (Yes, I've done that sort of thing before with no error)

But I don't know how to find the registry files, and for the life of me, cannot find a ziped or Rar packed version of the battlefront server.

So can maybe someone point me to the reg files, or upload the Folder?  (I do know about the program pathing found in the INI file, I can manage that)

Thanks for any help!
Requests / BF2 XSI addon
April 27, 2013, 04:06:18 PM
I seem to have misplaced my SWBFII XSIaddon for exporting models for SWBFII in XSI softimage.
But before I go requesting that (because I really don't feel like download the whole.. however many giga bytes that is..), I would like to know, is there some sort of Exported like ZETools for SWBFII? It would be nice to have more custom things like ZETools does for BFI.
If there isn't, thats okay too.

But yeah, could someone that already has the tools upload it for me? Thank you!
Released Assets / Imp_inf_scout_commander
April 18, 2013, 03:10:43 PM
Requested by Shazam: Imperial scout trooper with a pauldron! (probably the best Idea I've ever heard of Zam xD)
Anyways, pictures:

Download in attachment.

Sereja: Sawing off the stock pauldron of Rocket launcher dude.
Pandemic: Source Materials.
Me: Editing.
(You really don't have to credit me though, it's too fun a job to call it work.)
Released Assets / Rep_inf_pilot_phaseII
April 18, 2013, 02:34:33 PM
(Done by request)
This was also my first successful unit edit, edited Pilot in XSI and gave him Republic Phase II jetpack from SWBFII (Special thanks to Tirpider for the MSH addons, pretty much a drag and drop job).
Then I edited his skin several times until it matched jetpack.
Tirpider: Jetpack addons
Pandemic: Source materials
Me: Edits
This download also contains a surprise gun (it's texture is a bit mixed up... But it WAS the first one I did by myself :P)
Download in attachment.
Released Assets / Nab2_prop_lampost2
April 06, 2013, 08:07:01 PM
Many of you have seen my map edit "Naboo: At Night" skin mod, I used SWBFII naboo lamp post MSH file because it had a null called hp_light. (SWBFI didn't)

But that thing had upside down null, so the light was in the wrong place, shinning the wrong way.
This asset contains SWBFI edited lamp post from naboo, with added hp_light null, which looks like this:
I'll be using this to update my Naboo night skin (finally).

The primitive null point is called   "hp_light"  remember to put in the attach odf lines if you want light coming from this.

Edit: No credit need if used, it's pretty simple edit, but the simple things are usually the prettiest...
I was messing around looking for plugins for GS, and found this site:
It has all sorts of neat plugins on the download page (some of which will be most handy for modelling into SWBF)
But what I found that I really liked was the "KeyFrames" plugin utility, it allows sketchup to manipulate model rotation, size, and placement and play it back in the built in scenes, like a movie (but you can change the view from any angle while watching!)

Here is a simple animation I did this after noon.
Plugin page if you want to make better models for SWBF:
Released Assets / Hoth ATAT wall.
April 03, 2013, 01:34:33 PM
I got the idea from that wall thats in the site logo image.

Contains 2 models, and 3 textures, 1 texture is for damaged parts of hot_bldg_atatwall_des.MSH
I didn't include an odf so you can destroy it, though, you'll have to figure that out yourself..

Just so people know, I'm working on ALOT of models right now, if I don't reply to IM or Xfire, it's cause lots of stuff is going on. And i'll try to get it sorted out ASAP.
Released Assets / Racing Stadium model 1.0
March 31, 2013, 08:57:00 PM
Took long me long enough, huh?

There are a few collision bugs, I will fix them at a later date (won't take as long next time...) Nothing too serious.
I plan to get the other models out soon, very sorry for the wait.

Well, I found something out that I didn't know before today, you can export engines made with GameMaker (and studio I think, it's the same basic engine build...) as a   .SCR  which is a screen server file, I made 3 particle effects (they look like the picture below), and had them run inside my 'room' and it works perfectly!

Just thinking out loud here, but does anyone think it would be neat to have an SWBF screen saver (or better yet, scr svr) ?

I could do it easily all by myself, but I know there are some local photo manipulation wizards out there who might be interested in helping out^^  I can have it splash videos, screenshots, particle effects, and actually moving objects with paths and stuff...
Any ideas are very much appreciated and welcome!

Note: The photo of the screen saver below is my first beta test, MUCH better can be accomplished with this, heck, I could get it to run a full blow 3D game as a screensaver!

Released Assets / Yavin_Congregational_Building
March 15, 2013, 01:29:52 PM
Yavin Congregational building
Credits: Me, RC.

Have fun with it!
Released Assets / Park_Bench_model
March 15, 2013, 01:17:20 PM
Simple park bench, for Naboo-like maps.
It should be the right size, I didn't have time to test models in Zero.
- Things to do:
Re-texture (needs a nice UV map, even though it already has a nice scambled one)
Collisions (Munge creates an incomplete collision)
Hard points: It needs hps to sit at (so we can use it like a park bench :P)
Released Assets / bes_bldg_custom
March 15, 2013, 01:06:53 PM
Custom building for bespin, much like one of it's stock ones, but it was requested that way.


All the other info yadayadayada...
Here's a pic!
Released Assets / RC's Assorted assets
March 13, 2013, 09:30:25 PM
Assets from the side mod that goes with the map I was working on for SK's modding competition.
I will release the map and it's assets soon (I hope). It went boom, and is worthless now..
But for now, heres what I was working on as for the sides.
(Only has finished parts of the assets)

Just so you guys know, it has a brand new sniper rifle model

A few common effects (awesome smoke trail effects, and a few other goodies you'll be interested in
Requests / Core.lvl cfgs for all the maps
March 11, 2013, 02:58:00 PM
I'm requesting all the world localization .CFG files
I don't need Tatooine Jabbas though.

Thanks in advance!
I am quite happy with some of the models I've been able to get into SWBF lately,
And since I'm so pumped up;

What building model do you want to see most in SWBF next?
I will make it my top modelling priority, and it probably would be done in a day or two.

-Christ The Redeemer Statue in Brazil
-The Eiffel Tower of Paris France
-Some sort of Racing stadium
-A giant waffle that says "Canada Eh?"

ANYTHING. It can be from Starwars or Real life.

edit: I've added a poll, when someone suggests something new, I'll add it to the poll.
Released Assets / Wind_mill Assets
March 10, 2013, 09:25:58 PM
I have tested the model in-game, it works fine;
The model is bug free except the roof texture doesn't show in ZeroEdit and SWBF Viewer, but it works fine ingame except for a bit of distortion, must be my form of TGA that is corrupt compaired to SWBF's more primitive version.
RepublicCommando: Model itself
Tirpider: Helping me understand about the texturing in WRL files

All the collisions are correct as well,
If you use this in your map, credit isn't necessary but it would be nice.

Pictures: [spoiler][/spoiler]