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Messages - Led

Awesome--thanks.  I looked at gametoast, but apparently in the wrong section.  :-\

Thanks HC--maybe Ryan has it?   ;)

Hi MPC'rs--

I can not get file front to load the page for this map--could someone that has it upload it to
MPC gamers?


bor2 ----------------- (SBF) Boras II: Stunt Course v1.0 --------------- (****) Huge map. Probably the best Speeder Bike Map there is. Great in SP. Could be good online too.
Requests / Re: Head Shot Training Mod
June 13, 2009, 09:49:05 PM
Hey, that's cool.

Standard sides, just want to practice head shots--

Requests / Re: Head Shot Training Mod
June 03, 2009, 09:31:17 PM
ya, white, or maybe just leave the body alone and go with an orange head?
Requests / Head Shot Training Mod
June 03, 2009, 08:06:52 PM
Hi guys, I had an idea for a mod to help with head shot training--
is it possible to adjust unit skins so that the main body is transparent, and the head is orange?

It would be like sniping basketballs, I guess :)

Hi Pi,

It probably wont pick up until around 7:00 or 8:00 central, so you should be good to go.

I just put it up a bit early so that players can check the connection.

Other Games / Re: Steam ID's
May 12, 2009, 07:18:46 PM
steamid = rtlbuckler

Here is the info for Friday Night May 15th:

DC  IP (standards)  starting by 6:00 pm central, I hope to be on by 8:30 pm central.

I will get my clan mates to join (thus the standards).  I will work on getting them maps, so look for
more variety in the future.  I regularly host 16-20 on the PC servers at 30 FPS, so I hope to do the same.

All the best,
Buck aka {PLA} Led
Hi HC,

I will sign up for Fiday May15th.  Details to follow.

Hi HC,

I can host some on Friday nights.  That is my clans game night when we have one (about twice per month).  Im sure I can get them to do a DC if you want some more company.

Hi Love,

>I do envy the amount of online players that you get to face in a single match in PC play >though.

Well, that's SWBF2.  I think it still gets some players.  

I play SWBF, and the PC side is down to about 50 players a night these days (in North America), with maybe as many as 100-150 on the weekends, which includes the euro players.

If you can get some players, my PC clan would be thrilled to have a fun scrim.


First, Dresh, I dont think anyone was able to get that mod from that link.  By looking at the posts, there were a lot of complaints that it could not be downloaded.  However, there is another mod that includes that one and other skin changes.  I was able to get that one.

Also, I copied the file descriptions for all of the files on the SWBF section of filefront, and put them in a word document.  This may really help in rebuilding the database.  There is a snippet below.   It has the file name and map name with description so that we can tell the download file name and correlate it to the common name/description.

If anyone wants the document, just let me know.  

•      Maps Levels Missions
o      Custom Maps
?   A To B Titles
?   C To D Titles

page: 1 of 1 | total files: 7 C to D Titles
    Date Added
    No. of Downloads
File Size

Concord Dawn (v1) Map concord_dawn_v1.rar It's the motherplanet of Jango Fett. His family got killed on this planet by the Death Watch and then he got rescued by Mandalorians.        09/12/2005       2,138   9.45 MB   Download Now

Geonosis : Clone Wars This is my first map!!        12/05/2005       1,833   10.06 MB   Download Now

Duel Arena duel_arena_v1.rar This map is designed and created for duels only. The Command Posts can not be captured and the AI have not been changed from their default settings.        10/07/2005       1,043   3.09 MB   Download Now

Kashyyyk: Kachircho This is a beta version from the kashyyyk:kachircho map. It's not final, there are some parts not finished yet.        10/07/2005       955   23.57 MB   Download Now

Duulan: Canyon Village (1.0) This is the sequel to Ty294's Duulan: Mine Pit.        03/13/2009       446   10.48 MB   Download Now

Coruscant Streets v2.1 Updated version of Coruscant Streets 2. This version contains more buildings, smarter AI, and more command posts (11 cps).        07/30/2008       98   11.86 MB   Download Now
I have downloaded all the maps in both pages of Ryans post.

