Adding More Bots to a Dedicated Server

Started by TheDmac, May 04, 2015, 06:31:34 PM

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May 04, 2015, 06:31:34 PM Last Edit: May 04, 2015, 06:46:10 PM by TheDmac
EDIT: Sorry, wrong section. I also found out how to add more bots.  It's /conaiperteam /ctfaiperteam /assaiperteam just add a value to the end of each. I added 15.

I purchased a 10 slot server hosted in Sydney for my mates and I to play and I was looking to add more bots. I assume it's done via the ServerSettings.cfg file but I can't seem to find anything there that really stands out?

/gamename "*REMOVED*"
/password "*REMOVED*"
/adminpw "*REMOVED*"
/gameport 3658
/rconport 4658
/tps 20
/playerlimit 10
/playercount 1
/lan 0
/bandwidth 6144
/voicemode 2
/netregion NA
/videostd NTSC
/heroes 1
/awards 1
/hrunlock 3
/hrunlockvalue 5
/hrplayer 2
/hrteam 2
/hrrespawn 30
/contimelimit 60
/ctftimelimit 60
/huntimelimit 5
/ctfscorelimit 5
/assscorelimit 180
/huntscorelimit 50
/conreinforcements 100
/assreinforcements 100
/teamdamage 0
/autoassignteams 0
/shownames 1
/randomize 1
/difficulty 2
/spawn 0
/pregametime 3
/kickvotethreshold 50
/teamvotethreshold 50
/conaiperteam 0
/ctfaiperteam 0
/assaiperteam 0
/aimassist 1
/autokickscore 0
/autokickscorevalue 6
/autokickping 0
/autokickpingvalue 250
/autokickpingwarnings 0
/autokickword 0
/autokickwordwarnings 0
/autoannounce 0
/autoannounceperiod 60
/autocsvlogging 0
/autocsvlogfilename "statistics.csv"


U can also do it with the swbf2sm or ingame with the admin commands
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