Any Mac-Freindly MSH Openers?

Started by {TCE}Call-of-Duty, April 02, 2014, 04:50:39 PM

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Well any help?
"I would explain it to you but your head might explode."

By 'openers' I presume you want to edit .msh files on Mac? Well I'm sorry to disappoint, but there aren't any.
The only meagre hope lies in converting the .msh to a format that you can mess around with. However all such programs are also PC exclusive.

The only suggestions I can make is to either;
A: find a friendly PC modder with a lot of time to port things for you
B: Don't do A, because it's stupidly convoluted. The only proper way to do it is by partitioning a chunk of your Mac into a PC with bootcamp or whatever. Or buy a cheap PC.

This all depends on how desperate you are to open a .msh file.

tldr: no.

Well I tried to port the MSH Viewer with Wine and for some reason it doesn't load any models so that was a bust that's why I could use something that can open a MSH
"I would explain it to you but your head might explode."

Oh you only wish to view the models... Are you skinning or something? If so, you could go with option A and politely ask a PC user to test the skins for you.