Edit Unit and Reinforcement Count

Started by kinaster, August 31, 2023, 02:10:25 PM

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I've never attempted to make a mod for this game before, but I do use one that lets you play as the Jedi, however they also changed the unit and reinforcement count, I've tried looking through the tutorials here but didn't find anything. Is there a way to edit a mod so I can change the reinforcement count and units per side count?

Somewhere in the downloads section someone uploaded a "mission.lvl builder".

You can download that and use Notepad++ to edit all of the Lua files to change what you need then compile a new mission.lvl and replace the new file over the old file.
THIS BREAKS MULTIPLAYER COMPATIBILITY so keep the old file so you can switch between them.
Never let a person named AnthonyBF2 touch your BF2.


check over the tutorial section; post if you need help, but read directions first; also helps if you know how to use a computer, as in command window/batch file stuff
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
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