HOW TO: Be able to edit a shipped world

Started by Led, March 12, 2011, 07:15:26 AM

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March 12, 2011, 07:15:26 AM Last Edit: August 18, 2016, 02:56:21 PM by Led
How to edit a stock world:

Have the mod tools intalled.
Have BFBuilderPro installed.

Create a world using BFBuilderPro, for example, bes10.

Delete the contents of the newly created World1 folder located here:

Go to the Shipped Worlds folder for the stock map. 
For example, cloud city is Bespin world2 and it is located at
C:\LucasArts\BFBuilder\Assets\Shipped Worlds\Bespin\world2

Copy the contents of this folder to your world1 folder

We also need the folders:
from C:\LucasArts\BFBuilder\Assets\Shipped Worlds\Bespin

copied to

Using the file explorer, select the folder
right click choose properties and uncheck the
"Read Only" attribute.

In this directory:
delete your bes10.req file

Copy the req file for your world to this spot.
C:\LucasArts\BFBuilder\Assets\Shipped Worlds\Bespin\bes2.req
to this location:

rename the bes2.req file in your data directory to your modid:
right click and rename it to bes10.req

When you run zeroeditor in your data directory, it will be able to
load up the stock map.  (Start zero editor in C:\LucasArts\BFBuilder\Databes10, press I agree load the world from  C:\LucasArts\BFBuilder\Databes10\Worlds\bes10\World1\bespon2.wld)

If you want to add vehicles, you must edit the LUA file located at

Detailed instructions on adding vehicle spawns are beyond the scope
of the tutorial.

Side modding can be done in the usual manner.

Thanks to Shap and DanielSon777 for debugging the tutorial!



Note that if you need to perform localization on the map, the name used in the localization process will be bespin2 in this example, not the name of the mod id (bes10 in this example).

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